Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boo and Sally's Amazing Adventure, Jour Une

Well, this morning I walked St Charles. I started out on the sidewalk, but then I manned up and walked slap-dab down the middle of the street cars. Yea, I saw others in their Nikes and spandex but my Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and Danskos served me quite well. It's freezing here and fortunately I accidentally brought my hat and gloves. The mansions are beautiful and I went as far as the BORDERS  and then went in the other direction. I stopped at the Tourist Bureau and got maps and brochures including one on Commander's Palace's 25 cent  martinis at lunch.

Gay and Gigi came about 11:30 and we headed for AUGUST for lunch. Yummy! I had Veloute which I thought was salad but was in fact delicious soup. Boo had Gnocci with crabmeat and truffles, Gay had salad .

Entrees: I had 3 shrimp with panko stuffed with andoowee (phonetically spelled) and other stuff
Boo and gigi - speckled trout with lump crabmeat
Gay - short ribs beef

Sally- ricotta custard
Gigi - rum cake with white choc
Boo - cheese plate
Gay - cheesecake with ice cream

We all had an "amuse bouche" of an eggshell with the top cut off with a custard thing in it with a crouton sticking out.
At end, an plate of choc and brittle.

Everything had dribbles.

BLACK EXPERIENCE: After they left, Boo and I went to Walmart where, except for maybe 5 others, we were the only white folks.

UPSCALE EXPERIENCE: Then to Whole Foods where we saw maybe 3 black folks (working there) and many beautiful people caring for and helping the world.  We bought a $10 bag of grapes and a $3 bottle of wine.
Of course I used my grocery bags at Walmart where the clerk acted as if no one had ever done this, and then at WF, I was afraid an alarm would go off shaming me for using their paper bags - yes, there is no plastic there.

Came back to apt. and there is no tv. OMG must we talk? or read?

Stay tuned for parte Duex.

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